Getting Started


// ScalaJs
libraryDependencies += "dev.cheleb"    %%% "zio-laminar-tapir"  % "0.0.0+1-f3648955-SNAPSHOT"


From a classical tapir endpoint definition:

import zio.*
import zio.json.*
import sttp.tapir.*

case class GetResponse(args: Map[String, String]) derives JsonCodec

trait BaseEndpoint {
  val baseEndpoint: Endpoint[Unit, Unit, Throwable, Unit, Any] = endpoint
    .errorOut(statusCode and plainBody[String])

  val baseSecuredEndpoint: Endpoint[String, Unit, Throwable, Unit, Any] =

In your Laminar app:

import dev.cheleb.ziolaminartapir.*                 // (1)

val eventBus = new EventBus[GetResponse]()          // (2)
val errorBus = new EventBus[Throwable]()            // (3)

// ...

    onClick --> (_ => HttpBinEndpoints.get(())      // (4)
                        .runJs(eventBus, errorBus)  // ()
  1. Import the library, which provides extensions method on Endpoint instances (like in first approximation runJs).
  2. Create an EventBus for the response type.
  3. Create an EventBus for the error type.
  4. Use the endpoint as a function from Input => ZIO.
  5. Call the runJs method on the endpoint, passing the EventBus instances.