KVP Tables

KVP tables are a key-value pair abstraction on top of the underlying storage layer. They are used to store state in a streaming application.

The state is concurently updated in an optimistic way relying on the version field of the KVP table and retrying in case of conflict.

Create a KVP table

import zio.*
import zio.pravega.*
import io.pravega.client.tables.KeyValueTableConfiguration

val tableConfig = KeyValueTableConfiguration

val createTable : RIO[Scope & PravegaTableManager, Boolean] =

PravegaTableManager is a service that provides table management operations (create, delete, list).

Very classical ZIO pattern, the service is defined as a trait and implemented as a layer, and the can be provided to the application.

def run: RIO[Scope, Boolean] = createTable